Tonnage - 150 Stroke - 10 inches Shut Height - 22.5 inches Adjustment - 9 inches Bed Size - 72" LR x 48" FB Ram Area - 72" LR x 48" FB SPM - 20-40 VSPM
Standard Specifications 150 ton Capacity 10" Stroke 22.5" Shut Height On Bed 9" Motorized Adjustment 72" LR x 48" FB Bed Area 72" LR x 48" FB Slide Area 20-40 VSPM
Equipment and Features Air Clutch and Brake Air Counterbalances Recirculating Lube System T-Slotted Ram and Bolster 5.5" Thick Bolster Set of Vibration Isolation Levelers Link Logic Brake Monitor Press Control Gemco PLS 1995 Link Logic Tonnage Monitor 8 Point Gibbing 20" Wide Windows Floor Standing
96” LR x 58” FB Footprint Dimensions 38" Floor to top of Bed 13’9” Overall Height
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